I’m a Los Angeles-based design-oriented creative technologist. I am founding partner at Metalabel, a small agency focused on creating digital and on-the-ground cultural experiences. Typically, I spend my days at A Color Bright building digital products and design systems. I currently hold the role of Lead Software Developer, where I guide my team in building software for both client and in-house projects.

Previously, I worked at Insight where I built meaningful and engaging experiences under their UX roof working on a wide range of projects for clients like Highlights Magazine, Wright-Patt, Dave Thomas Foundation, and more.

Prior to that, I was an Apprentice at Sparkbox where I learned about the best practices of building for the web from some of the best minds in the industry. And in the land before time,I worked at a small SaaS startup + studio in Chicago where I wore many hats working on client sites, designs, wireframes — you name it.


Get in touch

If you would like me to speak at your conference, meetup or just want to chat — send me an email or a note on Twitter.